Sunday, December 20, 2015

AFB testing

AFB testing ( Acid-Fast Bacillus Smear and Culture and Sensitivity )

  • It is a test that used to diagnose tuberculosis ( caused be Mycobacterium tuberculosis) in the patient and help in monitoring the effectiveness of treatment.
  • AFB test may also be used to detect any infection caused by the Mycobacterium species (Acid fast bacilli).

The pink rod-shaped microorganism is Mycobacterium tuberculosis


  1. Prepare a smear and fix.

  2. Flood the smear with ZN-carbol fuchsin stain for 5 minutes and gently heat it.
  3. Wash gently with running tap water.
  4. Decolorize  with TB-decoloriser for 2~3minutes
  5. Wash gently with running tap water.
  6. Counter stain with methylene blue for 30~60 seconds.
  7. Wash gently with running tap water.
  8. Dry over gentle heat.
  9. Examine under 100x with immersion oil.

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