Monday, December 14, 2015

Gram staining.

  • Gram stain is used to differentiate the microorganism whether it is gram-positive or gram negative.

  • Gram positive -Purple
    Gram negative- Pink

  • It is conducted when the urine or swab culture have mixed growth of bacteria.

  • For urine or stool culture, it is normal to have both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria present in the culture.

  • Except for stool, if there are more than 10 colonies appeared in other types of culture on blood agar, gram staining will be carry out for species identification.


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  1. Prepare a smear and fix it by passing through gentle heating.
  2. Flood the smear with crystal violet for 1 minute.
  3. Rinse with running tap water.
  4. Flood the slide with iodine for 1 minute.
  5. Rinse with running tap water.
  6. Flood with decolorizer for 30 seconds.
  7. Rinse with running tap water.
  8. Counter stain the slide with safranin for 1 minute.
  9. Rinse with tap water and dry the slide.
  10. Observe under 100x with immersion oil.


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